Boston Port Arrivals and Immigrants, 1715-16, 1762-69

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1884

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1884

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Massachusetts Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

Massachusetts Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1884



This database is an index to passengers arriving at the port of Boston, Massachusetts between September and December of 1884. The index was compiled from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm series M277, roll 95. Information that may be found in this index includes the name of the passenger, date of arrival, port of departure, and list number.

Please note that just because information is not included as part of an individual's record in this database does not mean that it is not part of the original record. It is important that you use this index to help you locate your ancestor in the original records in order to find additional information or verify the information listed here. These records are also located at the Family History Library (FHL) on microfilm #0419989. Both the NARA and FHL microfilms may be available through your local National Archives branch or Family History Center.

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1884
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