Hopkinton, Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850

Hopkinton, Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850

Hopkinton, Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850

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Massachusetts Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

Massachusetts Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Hopkinton, Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850



This database contains vital records (birth, marriage, and death records) from the city of Hopkinton located in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The records are from the early years of Hopkinton up to the year 1850. In addition to the information provided in the vital records, the database also lists populations of Hopkinton according to state and federal censuses, as well as the town's changing boundaries throughout the years.

Hopkinton, Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850
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