Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Recommended Genealogy Sites

Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Massachusetts Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

Massachusetts Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts



Mt. Auburn Cemetery, which is located in Middlesex County, was founded in 1831 by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society as the first in a national movement toward creating "rural" cemeteries. The cemetery is now a haven in the midst of the city and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This collection gathers information from headstones in the cemetery. In addition to providing the decedent's name, it includes, where available, the following information: birthdate, birthplace, death date, death place, relationship information (i.e., wife of or brother of), military service, occupation, and age.

Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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