Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War

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Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Massachusetts Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

Massachusetts Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War



Prepared by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, this is an indexed compilation of the records of the Massachusetts soldiers and sailors who served in the army or navy during the Revolutionary War. The work is a 17 volume series that contains an alphabetized list of all surnames. The records in this database give, when available, the name and age of the individual, town of residence, rank, the date and location of enlistment, areas and length of service, date of discharge, and a description of the individual's physical features.

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War
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