Tewksbury, Massachusetts Vital Records

Tewksbury, Massachusetts Vital Records

Tewksbury, Massachusetts Vital Records

Recommended Genealogy Sites

Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Massachusetts Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

Massachusetts Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Tewksbury, Massachusetts Vital Records



Near the border with New Hampshire, Tewksbury, Massachusetts was formed from neighboring Billerica town in 1734. This database is a record of the births, marriages and deaths in the town from its founding until 1850. It contains over 2000 records and a total of nearly 5000 names. Each birth record usually contains the names of both parents and many of the death records include family members. For the researcher seeking information regarding an ancestors from Massachusetts, this can be an immensely helpful database.

Tewksbury, Massachusetts Vital Records
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