South Dakota Genealogy Records

South Dakota Genealogy Records

Search South Dakota genealogy records such as cemeteries, births, obituaries, city directories, surnames, genealogy queries, census records, and more from this web page.

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South Dakota genealogy

South Dakota genealogy records containing information about a person's birth, marriage, death, residence, history or life is the focus of this webpage.

This webpage gives you access to several online databases containing South Dakota genealogy records, and other genealogy in South Dakota. The links presented to the right should get your pointed in the right direction.

You will notice that while many of the South Dakota genealogy resources presented here are free, some do require a fee to access.

On this page you will find the most comprehensive databases containing genealogy records of South Dakota. We also suggest searching for "South Dakota genealogy records" using, which will yield more such resources.

We would like thank Rootsweb for graciously donating the server space to us so that we may provide this website to you.

Online South Dakota Genealogy Databases

South Dakota Cemeteries - Search the cemetery records of cemeteries in South Dakota. Tombstone transcriptions of hundreds of cemeteries in South Dakota, including national cemeteries, public and private cemeteries, and hard-to-find cemeteries are available here. - FREE

South Dakota Public Records - conduct a search of South Dakota public records including, birth, marriage, and death records.

South Dakota Genealogy Records - quick access to census records, military records, links to other great South Dakota genealogy sites, and more can be found here - FREE

South Dakota Genealogy Queries - Perform a surname search here to see if there are any other South Dakota genealogists who share the same family lines. Post your own queries, and get responses from other people willing to help you with your South Dakota genealogy research. - FREE

South Dakota Genealogy Guide - A state guide to genealogy research in South Dakota. Get access to the best online databases for census records, birth, marriage and death records, online maps, and find out which libraries offer the best research materials.

South Dakota Birth Records - Records of South Dakota births are indexed and accessible from this site. Enter a surname search to find South Dakota birth records. There is also information on how to obtain South Dakota birth certificates, as well as links to other online sources for South Dakota birth records.

South Dakota death records - Look up South Dakota death records by entering a person's name

South Dakota marriage records - Search the online South Dakota marriage records database for names of brides and grooms.

South Dakota Obituaries - Search for South Dakota obituaries in thousands of newspaper titles, going as far back as 1815 up to the present time. You will also find links to other South Dakota obituary sites.

South Dakota Birth Certificates - Learn how to obtain copies of South Dakota birth certificates and perform a search for birth certificates by entering a person's name.

South Dakota City Directories - City directories for South Dakota cities can be searched here, showing you the town your ancestors lived in, and on what day they lived there. This is a great way to identify place of residence, for purposes of obtaining other records.

South Dakota Sex Offenders - Find registered South Dakota sex offenders in your neighborhood by entering your ZIP code.


South Dakota Genealogy Records
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