Ellis County, Texas World War I Veterans

Ellis County, Texas World War I Veterans

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Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Texas Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from California cemeteries.

Texas Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in California.

Ellis County, Texas World War I Veterans



ThAn important county, located just south of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, Ellis County was home to about 55,000 people as World War One ended. This database is a collection of military records of men from the county who served in the armed forces during the war. Rich details are available here as each soldier is listed, along with town of residence, rank, date entered service and date discharged, and a brief service record. In addition, parents' names are given for the nearly 1,000 men listed here. For those researchers of Texan ancestors this can be an extremely informative collection.

Ellis County, Texas World War I Veterans
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