The Zappe Surname Page
The ZAPPE Surname Page


The Primary Goals of this Page:

1. To list all known ZAPPE researchers.

2. To link to all pages of interest to people researching the ZAPPE surname.

3. To collect or point to all information pertaining to the ZAPPE surname and the bearers of the ZAPPE surname that might in some way facilitate further research of the ZAPPE surname.

4. To present this information on the web so that it can be freely accessed by anyone at any time, from any place.

How to Help:

1. Submit your information and queries to this site.

2. Type or scan in records for the archives section.

3. Help maintain this database.

4. Jump in and have fun!

What's On This Site?

 Surname Researchers  Meaning and Origins of the Name
 Online Databases and Other Information  Dowload the Gedcom Database
 Archives - Records & Deeds  General Genealogy Links
 Submit your information  Submit queries and review other's queries
 Subscribe to the ZAPPE Mailing List  E-mail: [email protected]

 A member of the

The SurnameWeb

    Steve Zappe is the coordinator of this surname resource center.
    To get in touch with him click on his name.

    Copyright 1999-2008, All rights reserved. Genealogists may use the information provide here freely. This page, and the information it provides, may not be copied for commercial use af any kind.