

Source : Parish Registers (West Hallam)

The West Hallam parish register has a baptism recorded in June 1789 for "Elizabeth CAMB, daughter of John and Elizabeth." Despite the different spelling of the surname, this date tallies with Elizabeth BLOOR's age at death so I believe her to be the Elizabeth CAMM who married John BLOOR in 1809.I also have the following records in West Hallam which may be connected :

6/10/1815 John CAMB buried age 64

14/10/1821 Elizabeth CAMB buried age 73

17/2/1782 Michael CAMB, son of John and Elizabeth, baptised

27/4/1772 John CANN m Elizabeth CORREY

27/12/1808 William CAMM m Sarah LEES

26/10/1812 William PURDY m Ann CAM

Further research will be done on the CAMM family at a later date.