Tulsa Central High School, Class of 1925

J through L

Faye is a small, mischievous person. She shows no signs of growing up except when she curls her hair flamboyantly. She spends so much time with Eunice Church that half "T. H. S." think they are both sisters.
Bitter Truth: She wants to be a boy.

Hi-Y, School Life, Tom Tom, Boy Scouts, Dramatics, Tennis.
"Jake" is a regular three ring circus plus the menagerie. His witty line, sublimely innocent stare, and poetic [?] genius make up a matchless combination. In dramatics he goes over big, whether in the role of a Noo York Dood or a capering Spanish bull.
Bitter Truth: He is, oh, so fickle.

Helen is brown-eyed, curly haired and notorious as a giggler. She is so successful at teasing that her friends are in suspense most of the time. In spite of her ability to portray the maid so realistically, Helen declares her ambitions rise higher than the kitchen.
Bitter Truth: She expresses her artistic impulses in her signature.

As wild beasts seek their lairs, so Percy seeks the "Y." He has been active in the Hi-Y work since his advent in Tulsa High and even now in his dreams, he finds himself wandering along the Sapulpa boulevards on the way to the "Older Boys' Conference." Percy lives up to his ideal of manhood, he plays football.
Bitter Truth: He lost his "land-legs" in "Pinafore."

"Haw! Haw! That's a good one, but listen to this one." Of course it would be none other than jovial Charles chatting to his inseparable Shelby. While he eats, the cafeteria walls look down and hold their sides in wonderment, for he can consume more hot dawgs, bowls of chili and Eskimo pies in two minutes than you and I in two days.
Bitter Truth: His vociferous method of expression will get him heard in the cruel world.

The most frequent frequenter of the Orpheum--that temple of exalted inspirations and good-looking ushers. He's an inhabitant of basketball land, an ardent supporter of Three Flowers' brilliantine, a lover of beautiful tuxedos, always on the front row in senior assembly, and thus we portray Yonny Yonson.
Bitter Truth: A smooth number--ask Melba Brilliantine.

Eddie is the model which all ingenues-in-the-making imitate. She saunters down the hall with an aristocratic air all her own, and has so many clothes it looks suspicious. Any T. H. S. boy who forgets his identity should consult Eddie--she knows 'em all.
Bitter Truth: her name used to be Edna.

Ida is one of the Four-Hundred--who take history--it's compulsory of course. That public speaking course she shouts should help out bluffing in geology. Ida makes a keen pal, and if you like to swim she's right there.
Bitter Truth: Geologically speaking, she's no fossel.

"Don" is a shark basketball and football player but refuses to admit it. He has a slender athletic build, an engaging personality, blue eyes and fawn ears, and yet doesn't like to talk about himself. He has been here four years, has pursued a commercial course, and intends to go to college.
Bitter Truth: "Don's" hobby is drop kicking--ask Mr. Travis!

Walter breezes across the western plains from Montana. He likes the wide open spaces of the wild west, but has found that Oklahoma can be equally as windy as the drafty mountain tops. He is doing a specialistic job of math--perhaps that he may be able to measure the depth of Teapot Dome.
Bitter Truth: He won't tell the name of the girl of the golden west.

Girls Glee, Girl Reserves.
Dorothy is a lively member of the flapper family, snappy and vivacious. Swimming, hiking and dancing are her Daily Dozen, and a weiner, sizzling over a camp fire, is her best friend. Whe wants to be a nightingale.
Bitter Truth: She'll never break her neck by over-work.

"What are you writing, Julia?" asked her mother. "Love songs, mother," said Julia. They say he lives in Oklahoma City, and that's why she has time to compose songs. You wouldn't think Julia would indulge in such things for she is greatly interested in basketball.
Bitter Truth: She wants to teach the South American girls how to be graceful.

Shorthand is her dish and typewriting her dessert. She likes to pound the keys in the sanctified sanctum of a private office. We envy her shorthand because it comes in handy in taking history notes.
Bitter Truth: In her Freshman days she went to Oklahoma City high school.

Honk! Honk! Get out of the way of my Buick and me. Yes, it's Helen herself out for a spin in her graduation present. Helen takes all hills on high, neither does she slow down for studies [she stops]. She intends to continue her schooling at Vassar. Thus we conclude, a good girl for a good school.
Bitter Truth: She may be fast when she goes past, but the cops are gonna slow her down.

Tom Tom, Senate, Hi-Y, A. A.
Kelsey is her last name, we call her "Sunny Jane." She brings around our pictures that give us many a pain. Jane is the "lil' boss" and she plays the part in admirable fashion. She devotes a great part of her time to Tom Tom work but even then she manages to look after Glee Club interests.
Bitter Truth: She is "able" to look after Adam's son.

Katherine is a sweet little lady despite her name. What's in a female's last name anyway? It's easily changed. kitty's bobbed head is the seat of many a mischievous prank and the "children of her brain" have caused many a pedagogue to sigh.
Bitter Truth: She's high-powdered but she takes a lot of gas.

Although Margaret's brother has the same initials as she has [M. K.] they are as opposite as it is possible for them to be. Margaret has taken Clothing in high school for three years, and as she also takes Foods, we would suspect her hobbies to be of a domestic sort.
Bitter Truth: We believe she'd make a good nurse in her father's office.

Glee Club.
Melvin is well versed in the tricks of a romantic toreador, or a crap-shooting nigger, but is destined to hang out an M.D. shingle. He's a prize winner as a noise maker, and will demonstrate his prize anywhere. Melvin is enthusiastic when sport is mentioned, but should anyone suggest study, Oh, well--he's only human.
Bitter Truth: He's a social whip-poor-will.

Honor Society, Girl Reserves, Booster Club, Tom-Tom.
The honor society has had a very successful year with Jane as it's leader. She is a serious minded and capable young lady, as interesting and entertaining as she is industrious. Jane first won fame, when she was a sophomore, for writing the school song, "Tulsa High."
Bitter Truth: She is a Marathon "Flea hopper."

Track, Booster Club, Athletic Association.
Glade is a mystery. Glade is quiet. Glade also quite likes a smiling face that is not so quiet. So we think you will quite agree with us that although Glade is quite quiet, yet it is not quite certain that Glade seeks absolute quiet.
Bitter Truth: Glade thinks it is not far to Tipperary.

She's dainty and demure. Against a background of hollyhocks in an old-fashioned garden, she would make a lovely representation of a girl of the "sixties." Her shy little mannerisms enhance her attraction and make her a favorite. Her scholastic record shows her to be a worthy example.
Bitter Truth: How incongruous if Gladys should some day land in jail!

Sec. Sophomore Class, Booster Club, Senate, Dramatics, Tom Tom, Football Queen.
Born on Monday--the gods meant her to be just what she is --a Queen. The Prince of Wales didn't make Tulsa, though, so we had to make her football queen instead. But we don't care.
Bitter Truth: It's too bad she got licked in the beautiful boy contest, but just the same, she filled the Tom Tom coffers.

Tom Tom, Girl Reserves, Booster Club.
Ray, of pug nose fame, is as well-liked and as conscientious a student as the senior class has. No matter when, where, nor how, she always manages to be able to find a thrill just around the corner, in the shape of someone or something, usually someone.
Bitter Truth: We can't remember whether it's Lawrence and Winfield, [Kansas] or Winfield and Lawrence.

Tom is specializing in the manual arts, and intends to try South America as a field for agricultural implement selling. This is his goal. Geology is his sideline and hobby, and he is also a mappist of no mean ability.
Bitter Truth: He's girl-proof.

T-Club, Athletic Association, Band.
Toot, toot, toot. That's either Kenneth's Ford or his cornet, it's hard to tell which. Kenneth is just another one of those woman-haters who fell hard of late. He started out with a bottle of hair oil, and now he's become a dyed-in-the-wool sheik.
Bitter Truth: He wears suspenders.

Athletic Association, Aquatic Club.
Pauline is an energetic young person who can be graduated in three years without worrying anybody. Her polite manner, her interest in her work, and her innocent, appealing way of asking questions never fail to charm her teachers into giving her A's.
Bitter Truth: She aspires to teach Latin.

"Girls with curls go passing by, dainty, graceful, bold, and shy,
But the one that takes my eye is Betty."---Robert Lewis
Fun personified--witty even in Physics II under Professor Schupbach. She's little in stature, but makes up for it in noise.
Bitter Truth: "She wears no man's collar."

A blonde and dignified embryo lawyer from Kansas. Archie is a successful ex-home room president and an enthusiastic Hi-Y worker. He has such an amiable disposition that he doesn't even hate people who mispronounce his name.
Bitter Truth: He spends his evenings at home digesting chemistry books.

T-Club, T-Walkers, Girl Reserves, T. N. T>
Justine's lovely long hair has caused her a peck of trouble. She has even been attacked by mobs of girls with scissors. If you want to know how to farm successfully, ask Justine, for she is said to be a good farmerette.
Bitter Truth: She's never found a boy who could keep step with her.

Interclass Basketball.
Delvin is known chiefly for his promiscuous use of hair oil. In fact the only things which keep him from being a perfect sheik are a turban and a harem. He seems to be well started for a complete harem, however, so his future looks quite promising.
Bitter Truth: Speaking of hair, he's "oil" right.

Evelyn is that dainty little Titian blonde with the keen tennis stroke and ambitions to be a teacher. She designs all those pretty clothes she wears, so we know she'll be a knock-out in home economics, if the high school boys don't claim all her attention.
Bitter Truth: It's her marcel that keeps Clyde faithful.

Lee is the fast-stepper who has created a demand for traffic cops in our corridors. He's a shark in history but king of all he surveys in study hall. His chief characteristics are his freckles and slick hair. When Lee goes after anything he gets it, even if he has to buy it.
Bitter Truth: He has the heebie-jeebies in his knees.

Indian Club, Girl Scouts.
A vest pocket edition of this year's class and a mighty lively one too. She's like a tadpole in the water and has plunged into the dramatics whirlpool. And, although she vies with the most wee freshie in size she wears her mantle of senior dignity like the most solemn senior when she wants to do so.
Bitter Truth: He was so bashful she had to propose.

Athletic Association, Football, Boxing.
Tis' the physiognomy of Eddie Lanning you now must be scanning; for four long years he has been planning, and tons of knowledge been canning; till at last he will be manning his way to rescue his diploma some bright day in May. The wave in his hair will always be there.
Bitter Truth: A caveman in style, but he dislikes his onions wild.

"Little Sis" has arrived at seniordom, exams, beaux, and diplomas. During the year she has developed a craving for Social Problems and Foods [Wonder why?] And Miss Babe Ruth shows the real stuff when she plays baseball!
Bitter Truth: She thinks she should reduce.

This Harry and Don Quixote have at least one thing in common, and that is a lantz. However our Harry doesn't crave wind-mills in the manner that old Don did, but this victim takes his spite out on the modern Scrip dance and often rides his old Walk-Overs to the scene of struggle.
Bitter Truth: This biography doesn't count. Harry ain't no senior, but likes to have his picture taken.

T. N. T.
It's an extraordinary event when Leota is seen without Bernice and Ruth; they rival the three musketeers. Leota is another would-be teacher. She's a real booster, for she holds one of the best records in school for never missing a play or game.
Bitter Truth: She makes her own hats.

Jewell rides her hobby horse with a piano in one hand and an Orpheum program in the other, while she juggles a volume of Cicero on her head. She reserves her "talk" for a few choice friends who can vouch for her happy disposition. The A's fall into her lap like ripe apples.
Bitter Truth: The desire to discover the vamp in Caesar's life.

Kathryn's idea of a desolate world would be one in which jokes and chewing gum were barred, so if you would be her friend for life, supply her with plenty of both. She keeps up with all the new shows and song hits, and is always three stops ahead of the fashion magazines.
Bitter Truth: She hates boys who wear glasses.

Her idea of a good time is to have the dentist postpone the appointment indefinitely. Two years ago, Wanda made ancient history by playing the part of old Lady Autumn in the hippodrome. Clothes bother her to the extent of ruining her concentration on Commercial Law and French verbs.
Bitter Truth: A cheap skate doesn't cut any ice with her.

Georgia Lewis is one of the snappiest all-around girl athletes in school. She is kinda tiny but she clears the bar at five feet six inches and plays ball like a whipping flame. Georgia is like a blue steel spring when it's all wound up, since you just have to touch the right chord and away she goes.
Bitter Truth: You never get really acquainted with her.

T-Club, Orchestra.
Bobby, renowned "Spaghetti dancer," is a real big light in musical circles. He intends to be a symphony orchestra conductor, and his progress toward this goal has been great. Besides being a musical genius, he has made astonishing grades in Latin and Chemistry. Sh--he carries his love letters in his brief case.
Bitter Truth: He is a "poifect lady" with the proper costume.

Portia's giggle reminds one of a tramp's luck [up and down.] Portia likes her clothes done in green shades. Her work on committees consists of assenting to ideas and always being on time, two essentials in a good committee member. She is everything Shakespeare says a Portia should be.
Bitter Truth: She doesn't know a thing about herself.

Tulsa High School's happy-go-lucky friend of everybody. With a fine physique as an aid, Vernon has participated in all athletics, making his letter in wrestling this year and having filled an important track position for several seasons. Once he was a glee club warbler.
Bitter Truth: We don't know any. Ask Mexa Taylor.

Booster Club, Hi-Y.
The tall center on our famous basketball team. Forrest showed Sapulpa some of the finer points in basket shooting. He is the faultlessly tailored individual whose hobby is loud ties. Forrest, Kermit and Melvin are the three "wise fools," one for all and all for one. They are inseparable.
Bitter Truth: Twenty-two inch cuffs.

Girl Reserves.
Curly golden hair; sky blue eyes that peep coyly about. She enhances the faultless complexion with frocks of dainty pastel shades. How she danced, our Eva danced the minuet in the George Washington assembly long ago!
Bitter Truth: Eva likes for her "friends" to write romantic biographies in her memory book.

Booster Club, Tom Tom.
She is a regular little "golddigger" when it comes to raking in money for the Tom Tom [she says she practiced it on the masculine members of her household]. Muriel ranks high as a student and not only enjoys all kinds of athletics--but also athletes.
Bitter Truth: The boys call her "Hard Hearted Hannah."

Orchestra, Tom-Tom, T-Club, Booster Club, Girl Reserve.
Gertrude is a vivacious blonde with attractive dimples and a nose for news as well as an ear for music. Being a talented violinist, she has played in the orchestra for some years and has chosen a musical career.
Bitter Truth: She had her first "bow" when she bought her violin, and has been making 'em useful ever since.

Not to graduate.
Our dignified young nobleman with a remarkable taste for dances, pretty girls and geology, Earl is the 1925 revised version of Valentino. A good-natured, never serious fellow who can always see the funny side of things and even get a laugh out of Commercial law.
Bitter Truth: He won the city championship for amateur golf [African}.

Tom Tom.
Savoy's the cleverest, quickest, hardest-hitting history shark that ever exhausted the department. He has another stomping ground in chemistry, and his intention is to gain a throughly symmetrical education, and to cap a civic career with the state governorship.
Bitter Truth: He's so serious the grand canyon is nothing but a wide crack to him.

Interclass Football, Basketball, Baseball.
Behold the dashing young peanutsacker! Although Boyd steadfastly maintains that the only place he ever sacked peanuts was for the T-Club, nevertheless, some have their suspicions. Boyd's hobby is athletics. He plays basketball, football, baseball, and works for the ball park. During off hours some say he plays billiard balls.
Bitter Truth: He orders his clothes from Sears Roebuck--Imported.

Bill's tastes are widely separated--she favors arguments, artists, and aquatics. She might be a fiery debater, if she did not prefer to spend all the time possible in D6. She owns a Dunton painting and is prepared to defend it in person from fire, burglars, and self-appointed critics.
Bitter Truth: She won't be satisfied with anything less than an English nobleman.

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