From the

11st Regiment


Annapolis, Md.

March 9, 1862


Although the columns of your paper chronicle the doings of nearly every company and the respective regiments they are in which have left our region, you deem to have no correspondent from here, and the deeds of the famous “Eleventh” and particularly Co. H. (Capt. Rauch’s) are “unknown to fame.”  The “Eleventh” is the only Regiment with one or two exceptions of those that were in the tree months service, that have been allowed to retain its original number, and was then commanded by Col. Jarret, our present Col (Coulter) having at that time been Lieut. Colonel.  It was the only Penna. Regt. that suffered any loss at the battle of Falling Waters, and now carries a splendid flag presented to it by the ladies of Martinsburg, as a mark of their appreciation of the gallant conduct of officers and men.  Six companies of the regiment are from Westmoreland, one from Clinton, one from Franklin, one from Carbon, the (???) company yet was not been added to it although the “powers that be” at Harrisburg have been promising it for the last four months.


There is no regiment in the service that contains better fighting material, all of the Companies being from the agricultural, lumber and mining regions of the State, which always produces better men than our cities and towns.  Nearly all the field, staff and line officers are experienced men, and several of them have served in the Regular Army.


Our Colonel is from Greensburg, where he was a lawyer of extensive practice, and although not much of an orator, was considered one of the best consulting lawyers in Western Pennsylvania.


He served through the Mexican War as a private and was one of the first to offer his services when the present rebellion broke out, at which time he was captain of one of his companies of the Regiment of which he was elected Lieut. Colonel.  While he is a thorough soldier and an experienced tactician, he never forgets that he is a gentleman and is perfectly idolized by ever man under his command.


There is no better material in any of our companies than in Company H, but owing to there having been no other officer with this company nearly ever since its being in the service than Lieut. James Hyndman, and he having his hands full (as one officer alone cannot pay the attention to the men which they ought to receive), the company for this reason alone may possibly be not quite as efficient as some of the others, but considering these disadvantages, the Lieutenant has done extremely well, and I doubt not that company H, even if a little behind some of our companies, all of which are older, will compare with any other which has gone from Carbon.


A list of the field, staff and line officers may not be uninteresting and I herewith give it:


Colonel    Richard Coulter

Lt. Col.  – Henry S. Martin

Major         --     H. A. Frink

Surgeon -- R. M. S. Jackson

Asst. Surg.         J. Anawalt

Chaplain      W. H. Locke

Adjutant        J. Uncapher

Quartermr. – G. W. Thorn

Sutler               H. P. Hyatt

Drum Major    M. S. Steck

Sgt. Major           E. H. Gay


Company A  -- Capt. C. Kuhn

                                       1st Lieut. James Noble

                                         2nd         A. Weaverling


         Company B  – Capt. Wm. Shanks

                                          1st Lieut., Q.M. of Regt.

                                         2nd           B. F. Haines


             Company C    Capt. Jacob J. Fierer

                                                                                                1st Lieut. Jno. McClintock

                                                                                                2nd         A. Shall


Company D – Capt. (dead)

                                                                                                  1st Lieut. J. D. Saxton

                                                                                                  2nd        E. F. Riers


         Company E – Capt. J. C. McCurdy

                                                                                                1st Lieut. G. N. Dalby

                                                                                                2nd  M. J. Piper


      Company F – Capt. D. M. Cook

                                                                                                1st Lieut. (Adjt. Of Regt.)

                                                                                                2nd “ (dead)


      Company H – Capt. E. H. Rauch

                                                                                                1st Lieut H. Williamson

                                                                                                2nd “ James Hyndman


               Company I – Capt. George J. Cribbs

                                                                                                1st Lieut. James W. Goodlin

                                                                                                2nd “ Jacob Thomas


              Company K – Capt. John B. Keenann

                                                                                                1st Lieut. L. N. Jones

                                                                                                2nd         W. Reed


In my next I will give you a description of our quarters in the ancient city of Annapolis, and so on; and will keep you posted in relation to our movements, or at least as much of them as is proper to publish from time to time. 


                                                                        Yours Truly,











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Jack Sterling

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