Looking Back In Time~Somewhere In Time




About me


Somewhere In Time

Journey In Time

Inspiration In Time
















Somewhere In Time, people can find answers to questions they long to know the answers to.  I started this website to just post a few genealogy pages for my Uncle Clark Burwell.  Since then, I got the genealogy bug and continued to follow his and Bruce David's research on the Burwell family.  I also have the computer bug.  So, my pages have grown to more than just "simple genealogy about one line of my family history".  This has turned into just another journey in my life, I hope you enjoy what I have put together and I hope it helps you along your Journey In Life.

I believe that people have within themselves, the strength to become what they might have been if given an ounce of encouragement and a lot of support! 



Somewhere In Time

Ancestry In Time

Ancestry Research

Tribute to Clark Burwell

Burwell Research

Burwell Reunions

Bingham Reunions

Cemetery In Time

Tribute to Clark Burwell

Census Records

Various Records


Warren Papers








“Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. 

If one of them falls down, the other can help him up…

Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. 

A rope made of three cords is hard to break.”  Ecclesiastes 4:9









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Created and Designed by Deborah Jean

Copyright:  Deborah 2000

Last updated: May 2015