
My Favorite Websites

Visit "HISTORIC WATERTOWN" - a website created and maintained by Jason F. White, M. D.

June 5, 2005 - Thelma Moye's Website. Thelma is a native Jefferson Countian (NY) who has a lots of Jefferson County information to share with us.

In my opinion those researching Jefferson County, N. Y., should make it a must to visit Marc Mosher's "A History of the Jefferson County Region." This is a history written by a contemporary and a resident of Jefferson County, N. Y. Marc has done a great deal of research and his written history encapsulates our great county's past in an easy-to-follow narrative, complete with photos.

Be sure to visit: Alice Corbett's Dis's and Dat's -the place to view the 1850 and 1855 Census of Jefferson County, N. Y.

Sherrye's New York ALHN-Brownville Sherrye includes the D.A.R. list of interments for the Luther Hill Cemetery, along with photos of the vicinity, etc.

Muskegon County, MI Gen Web Project

Political Sites:

The Rape of the Constitution

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