Genealogy Newsletter Editor's Corner

Genealogy Today
2001 Best of the Web
Nominee - Newsletters
God Bless America Family Tree Maker
Site of the Day
Oct 2001

Image from Graphics by Shawna

Newsletter editors are always searching for interesting articles, clip art, fillers and such to put together an interesting and informative publication. This gathering spot will feature articles, clipart and fillers that can be used freely to make the job easier. Links will take you to those sites that are willing to share - and list the necessary steps, if permission is needed. It is hoped that all newsletter editors will share their articles, etc. that are appropriate for others to use. Anything posted here must have permission of the author or owner -- so that we can know that anything found here is legal to use.

It is also expected that the original source will be cited, as a matter of courtesy.

 Please look in the files of articles you've published for any that could be reprinted freely -- either that you have written yourself or whose author will give permission for reprint. Consider writing an article or two just for this site.

Are there websites or clip art collections you've found that allow reprints without too much hassle? How about fillers you've  gathered or found and have permission to use?

Send whatever you have to me via Email (cut and paste or as an attachment)and I'll get it posted. Include with each its source and the permission to print - we don't want to get into copyright problems. If you have articles on  your website already that others can use, send the link information and I'll get it posted. I'll start off with some I've written or that have appeared in my newsletter - use as you wish.

If each of us would contribute  just a few articles, fillers or bits of clip art -- life would be so much easier come deadline time.

Email suggestions, articles and links to the address below:

[I'm new to this webpage business, so this site will never be fancy and
probably always be under construction. I hope to add more on a regular basis.]

Betty Jo [email protected]

  Links to Articles  Speaking as a librarian ..     Links to articles on libraries and library use for genealogy
  Links to Sources of Materials Tech Talk ... Links to articles on computer and Internet use for genealogists
Links to Fillers   Press Releases relating to Genealogy
Links to ClipArt Image from Desktop Publishing   Editor's Tips
Links to Reference Materials

Thanks for visiting
