"O's" of Name Index for GADDIS-L genealogy website

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Index of "O" First Names

You will need to scroll to the right to view all seventeen columns of data.

If you are interested in a particular person on the list, click on the Family Group # at the far right of the data. You will be taken to the Family Group page related to that particular person. There, you will find additional data on other family members and contact names at the bottom of that page to reach the submitters of the information.

If you see conflicting information on any names on this list, please contact the submitters of the information for clarification.

We hope that our efforts here help you find a new branch of your family. Remember, the more data we have to compare with, the more likely we are to find connections.

NAME                                    BIRTH DATE     BIRTH TOWN          BIRTH COUNTY        BIRTH STATE    MARR. DATE     MARR. TOWN          MARR. COUNTY        MARR. STATE    DEATH DATE     DEATH TOWN          DEATH COUNTY        DEATH STATE    FATHER                                  MOTHER                                  SPOUSE                                  FAM GROUP #

Oliver Damon GADDIS                     19 Dec 1912    Prairie Grove       Unk                 AR             Unk            Unk                 Unk                 Unk            Dec 1974       Mineral Wells       Palo Pinto          TX             Robert Franklin GADDIS                  Beulah Maude WISEMAN                    Olive "Monty" BOLTON(2)                 Family Group #21                  
Oliver Damon GADDIS                     19 Dec 1912    Prairie Grove       Unk                 AR             Unk            Unk                 Unk                 Unk            Dec 1974       Mineral Wells       Palo Pinto          TX             Robert Franklin GADDIS                  Beulah Maude WISEMAN                    Violet HAYWOOD(1)                       Family Group #21                  
Orville GEDDES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Robert (Poss.) GEDDES                   Minnie Jane RUDDLE                                                              Family Group #44               

Created on ... August 19, 2000

This page was last updated   Saturday, 08-Sep-2018 03:39:01 MDT