
We are very fortunate in having list members who are actively engaged in other genealogical projects. Look out for regular List Members:


Privacy Policy & Disclaimer of Glamorgan Mailing List Website.

This web site is the property of Jill Muir, of Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor, Oxfordshire, England. I can be reached via email:  or via the contact form.

The Web server does not automatically recognize information regarding the domain or e-mail address of each visitor to this Web page. We will never collect information about you without your consent. This service automatically gathers certain usage information like the numbers and frequency of visitors to the Glamorgan Mailing List website, very much like television ratings that tell the networks how many people tuned in to a program. This collective data helps us determine how many visitors use the site, so that we can improve the site to ensure that it is as appealing as we can make it for as many people as possible.

We do not use tracking technology to track patterns of behaviour of visitors to this website. We do not send random marketing emails to personal email addresses (spam).

This Glamorgan Mailing List website is hosted upon a USA based server, only the owner-webmaster has access to this site for uploading and downloading of material. This is via a password encrypted File Transfer Protocol. If you have any questions regarding the security of this site, please feel free to email the owner of Glamorgan Mailing List website, Jill Muir whose email address is shown on this page.


Some links on this website, or links from other websites that can be accessed via this site, lead to external websites or resources. The presence of these links should not be taken as an endorsement of these websites or their content.

I make no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of any material on or obtainable from any of these external links. Please contact the website owners of these linked websites directly for any questions regarding their content.


Jill Muir